By Dr. Anita Mathew of TLC Dental Spa
Imagine a world where your saliva holds the secret to your Health. That’s precisely what Hydration pH Level Testing aims to achieve and offers insight that goes beyond traditional dental assessments.
So what if my hydration ph level test results came acidic, you may ask.
Why does it matter?
Effects of acidity on the Body:
Effects of acidity in the Mouth:
The testing process:
During a dental check-up, a quick and painless Hydration pH Level Test is conducted. Based on the results, dental professionals can offer personalized advice and interventions to restore or maintain the ideal pH balance in the mouth.
In conclusion, Hydration pH Level Testing is not just a test—it’s a window into your oral health landscape. By understanding and optimizing pH balance, we pave the way for stronger teeth, healthier gums, and a confident smile.
How do you keep a balanced pH level?
Drink plenty of water
Limit acidic foods (or rinse with water after)
Chew xylitol gum to increase saliva production
Get your pH level checked at your next dental visit with us!
Take the Next Step:
Ready to unlock the secrets that your saliva holds? Schedule a dental appointment today with us to experience the benefits of Hydration pH Level Testing firsthand. And the best part, we do it
free of charge for our patients as a way to show our patients our appreciation.